Former India cricketer Suresh Raina drew criticism on social media after one of his comments during a commentary stint in the ongoing Tamil Nadu Premier League. Raina, who is part of the Chennai Super Kings franchise in the Indian Premier League, was asked by a commentator how he has adopted the culture of Chennai as he is seen wearing ‘vesti’, dancing and whistling.
In response, CSK said, “I think I am also a Brahmin. I have been playing in Chennai since 2004. I love the culture, I love my teammates.”
Responding to Raina’s comment, a user on Twitter said that it seems you haven’t experienced the real Chennai culture despite playing for Chennai for years.
@ImRaina You should be ashamed of yourself.
It seems like you have never experienced the real Chennai culture though you have been playing for the Chennai team for many years.
— Suresh (@suresh010690) July 19, 2021
The tweet read, “@ImRaina you should be ashamed of yourself. Looks like you have never experienced the real Chennai culture though you have been playing for the Chennai team for many years.”
So saw the video, I once loved Raina a lot and am now sad that how ignorant he is or is he hiding for so long. Lost it! no more respect
— Vijay Renganathan (@MarineRenga) 20 July 2021
Another said, “So watched the video, I once loved Raina a lot and am now sad how ignorant he is or what he is hiding these days. Lost it! No respect now.”
what the heck @ImRaina Sir.. you should not use that word…..
— udayyyyy (@udayyyyyy) (@uday0035) July 19, 2021
Raina had announced his retirement from international cricket on August 15 last year.
The left-handed batsman has been a vital force for the Chennai franchise in the IPL over the years.
Raina is the third highest run-scorer in the cash-rich league.
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